Welcome to the first post

Who am I and why coding?

Born in Camden NJ, July 1992, I grew in a relatively quiet town and haad a typical childhood of someone who has 6 sisters (you can only imagine). I got my first gaming console when I was about 4 and from that point on I had this UNDYING need to have and experience the latest and greatest that technology had to offer. I would go on to mow lawns, shovel snow, and a myriad of other chores just to save up and get what I wanted.

Not long after I found myself doing the same thing in High School and College. I attemped to pursue a career in tech at first, but the college environment pushed me away because I felt like I wasn't doing anything in the field that I wanted to pursue. Don't even get me started on the amount of debt that these worthless classes would put me into.I would soon say enough is enough and dropout of college and work retail for a while.

While working in retail, I lost a lot of drive to do much beside collect a check and play games. Working at Best Buy in 2015, I found a sudden spark...Twitch.TV. A place where people play games, start communities, join communities, and meet others that are like minded. This breath of fresh air would ultimately be the winds of change that put me back on the track of getting into the technology field. Side note I became an internet personality without really even knowing it.

Some time had passed after becoming a Twitch personality and I found myself in a role supporting other streamers starting up their own streams and creating communities with them. Part of what I would touch on was streaming software and web apps such as bettrTV and streamLabs/OBS. While teaching people how to use the mentioned software I became curious on how work with said software and it's inner workings. Which led me back to the path of the Web Developer.

It started off with some self learning but it wasn't as productive for me as I would've hope it be. I then stumbled upon 100Devs and was able to really go into a good direction of learning what I needed to learn to be a good developer. After 100Devs I needed to get a job since I wasn't making money doing free courses unemployed so I ended up back in retail again trying to pay bills and make ends meet while also trying to get a deeper understanding about web development. And that's where RC (Resilient Coders) came giving me the time and experience I need to not only be able to learn free of distractions, but also teach me so much more about myself.

That is the story so far, I look forward to posting more on my blog about my journey as a dev and some more technical things that I would like to share with the people that somehow stuble on here. But that's all for now, happy coding.

-Denzel Moises Echevarria