
The Justin Fields Foundation

This is a foundation site to help with a charity program for children in underprivileged areas. This site was build using Vite instead of the generic create react app. I opted to use TypeScript instead of vanilla JS since this was going to production immediately after completion and having a low risk for bugs with type safety caught my eye. Finally I chose to go the Tailwind Route instead of SASS to try a css library out for the first time and got a positive experience from. Lastly flowbite-react, a react component library, was used for the reactive header and carousel.

This site you're on now!

This is my first portfolio site, and is a beautiful harmony between 11ty, Sass, and Nunjucks. It has routing to different pages in the site. This is also going to be updated with new ideas in design and my blog posts.


PokéDex API

This was one of my first projects where I was able to data from the PokeAPI via Fetch. It has all Pokémon up to the modern games. This repo is also being worked on still and have a revamp branch in the works as I am typing this p tag text

Slot Machine

This is a working slot machine where you can gamble your life away, or at least until you run out of money and have to refresh the page and re-up the total balance.


To Do List

This is a To Do List that I based off of the task board on Notion. It has an area to add the todos and each to do comes with a button that can add the to do to the completed list. Once you finish all you to dos you can clear out the completed section with a clear button and start the next day anew